Ingredients For Life

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When I started Ingredients for Life I was struggling with leaving the house, but the course motivated me to go outside and travel to another city on the train. This helped with my fear and slowly made me confident that I can do this and it’s not as scary to be outside as it was in my head.

Ingredients for Life Service User

Ingredients for Life is an interactive skills-based cookery course that was developed by Causeway in partnership with Asda. It empowers survivors of modern slavery to learn new skills, meet friendships and grow in confidence and self-esteem

The course is delivered as a minimum of three cookery sessions with professional chefs in innovations kitchens around the UK, teaching practical and take away cooking techniques.

Ingredients for Life not only provides life changing opportunities to survivors, it also enables businesses to engage staff with this complex topic in a creative and survivor focused way. Wider charities are also able to refer suitable participants into the course and provides support to survivors throughout its duration.

If you are a potential business partner or charity partner interested in finding out more about Ingredients for Life, please email [email protected]